Admissions open

We train our students to be ahead in every aspect of life

SMISK Academy

A community school (1st to 10th ) located at Karanjani, Tal. Dapoli, Dist. Ratnagiri

SMISK is a green school housed in a beautiful newly constructed building rich with architectural extras including classrooms.

We have 10 classrooms 1 library and 1 Art and craft lab.

In addition of daily classroom instruction, students receive enrichment in science, Maths and computers.

The school is well resourced with computing equipment a range of practical equipment for science, mathematics & PE activities and published resources to support language, mathematics, history and geography work, we also have a wide range of reading material to support the teaching of reading and our home/ school reading policy.

In an effort do encourage continuous improvement in technology interact learning and communication, classroom with LCD projectors and students creative board.

The school community challenges the student, parents. faculty and staff to thick and perform high level of achievement and exhibit positive character values.

Classroom and students achievement are celebrated at the end of the school year.

Outside the SMISK world, scholars of literacy educational have made progress in learning how to promote reading development.

  • They argue that reading development beyond the initial state of learning to read requires on-going work in five related areas :

They must build their vocabularies so that they can read increasingly sophisticated texts.


Students must become fluent in reading the words, sentences, paragraphs, and longer tests on the page.

Background knowledge

They must gain background knowledge to comprehend adequately and situate what they read in the appropriate context.


They must learn, practice, and use the various comprehension strategies such as prediction and questioning that expert readers use.


They must read widely, think deeply, and discuss what they read with teachers, peers, and others.

Our Vision

Our vision is to develop well rounded confident and responsible individual who aspire to achieve their full potential We will do this by providing a welcoming happy, safe and supportive learning environment in which everyone is equal and all achievement are celebrated We provide a stable caring and supportive family like environment, where student can receive mature guidance through daily interaction with able faculty and become accountable, productive and ethical citizens with the skills to think innovatively reason critically, communicate effectively and respect people of other cultures.It is our endeavour to mold our students to be compassionate, progressive and professionally successful human beings responsive to global culture and heritage in an environment of sharing and caring. We believe that every child has a talent, which if fostered in a conductive environment, will enhance his/ her overall development. We strive to provide a lively, a warm and purposeful atmosphere for pursuit of excellence.

Our Mission

Our mission is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness lay to string education excellence and ensuring equal access.

Our Mission is to provide forum for quality education with a scientific temper, adaptive to the changing needs of time, to ensure all round development of the child and expose him/ her to a wide sped rum of co-cultural learning which is essential to make the child confident and ready to help our in todays challenging world to garner  the best values from the Indian Tradition and other world cultures and expose the children to rich the Indian culture and spiritual heritage, creating genuine respect for their country.

General Information

I to V English, Hindi, Science, SS, Mathematics, Marathi, Computer, General Knowledge, Physical Education, Art and Craft etc. Art, Craft, Clay Modelling, Theatre, Physical Education, Library, Lab (Science,Math), Yoga, Karate, Speaking & Listening Skills
VI to VIII English, Hindi, Science, SS, Mathematics, Marathi, Computer, General Knowledge, Physical Education, Art and Craft etc. Art, Craft, Clay Modelling, Theatre, Physical Education, Library, Yoga, Karate, Speaking & Listening Skills, Labs (Physics, Chemistry, Bio, Math)
IX to X English, Hindi/Marathi, Science, Mathematics, Social Science, Computer, Physical Education, Art and Craft etc.  Art, Craft, Clay Modelling, Theatre, Physical Education, Library, Yoga,  Karate, Speaking & Listening Skills, Labs (Physics, Chemistry, Bio, Math)

Nursery, Jr. K.G. & Sr. K.G.

(Monday to Saturday)

9.00 am 12.00 pm

I to X

(Monday To Friday)

8.30 am 3.15 pm 

I to X

(Saturday and Month End)

8.30 am 1.00 pm 


Days Boys Girls
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri

Red check half pant, Red Shirt

blacksocks, black shoes, blue sweater in winter.

Red check skirt, Red Shirt

black socks, black shoes, blue sweater in winter.

Wed, Sat House wise dress, white socks, white shoes. House wise dress, white socks, white shoes.


Days Boys Girls
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri Blue half pant, Sky blue shirt, tie & belt with school logo, black socks, black shoes, blue sweater in winter Blue skirt, Sky blue shirt, tie & belt with school logo, black socks, black shoes, blue sweater in winter
Wed, Sat House wise dress, white socks, white shoes. House wise dress, white socks, white shoes.


Days Boys Girls
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri Blue full pant, Sky blue shirt, tie & belt with school logo, black socks, black shoes, blue sweater in winter Blue skirt, Sky blue shirt, Blue Jacket, tie & belt with school logo, black socks, black shoes, blue sweater in winter
Wed, Sat House wise dress, white socks, white shoes. House wise dress, white socks, white shoes.




SMISK School believes that the sick bay is an important facility in providing full care of a student. A world-class school facility comprises of an effective and an efficient medical facilities for students to attend to emergency circumstances.

Children who are unwell at school or suffer minor injuries are treated by a qualified full-time nurse in the school Sick Bay. The sickbay is fully stocked with the necessary drugs and first aid equipment to ensure that all emergencies are dealt with in the best possible way at the school. Parents are informed of any serious injury and are contacted if a doctor or hospital visit is advised.

It is imperative that the school has upto-date emergency contact details for all children on file. We also ask that children who are unwell are not sent to school as they are unable to learn and may pass infection to other children and staff members.


Transport facility at B.R. International School provides the best system of logistics for safety, security, and comfortable experience for its students. The buses are guarded by trained security staff and safety of transportation of students. We are providing transportation facilities in multiplezones.

Kindly contact school campus for routes we are currently applying on and respective charges. The school reserves the right to alter/modify/restructure any route, at any point of time in the best interest of the children and the school.


SMISK School believes the role of a school must go beyond academics. We must also be responsible for strengthening the emotional state of a child. That’s why we have an in-house counselling system whose expert counsellors ensure emotional strength of our children, to facilitate a learning mind and a happy life.


  • Broadband internet facility, wi-fi and wired intranet
  • Website, mass e-mail, SMS and e-groups
  • Customised Student Management Software with Student Profile; Attendance Module; Admission Module; Admin Module; Medical Record etc.
  • Customised Student Assessment Software for recording the observation; grades; scores; reflections of the educator and providing with instant analysis of the work of the educator and learner for further reflection and improvisation.

Chairman Message

Education is not mere accumulation of facts; it is preparation of life itself. Education is knowledge imbued with wisdom and ethics. It develops the personality of the students, moulds their character and develops mental skills to help them cope with problems and challenges of the complex world of today. One of the most significant character traits that need to be instilled in our youth during their education is a finely ingrained attitude of service- before-self. The aim is to make them successful not only in life, but also conscious of their duties and responsibilities towards their fellow citizens.

At this juncture, I would like to acknowledge and extend my heartfelt gratitude to all those who have made significant contributions to turn a humble institution started 5 years ago into one of the premier institutions of the nation. Mr.Sujay Mehta stands tall for it has successfully developed a holistic system where the nitty -gritty of formal education has been intricately woven with moral,spiritual,and social education. The dynamism of the young talent blooming in our garden is being tapped; the skills and the potentialities of its students are being mined out and chiselled. When SMISK’s leave the portals of their venerable mother- institution, they are ready to take on the world.

We are aware of the challenges that lie ahead and will leave no stone unturned to further enrich the rich legacy of this esteemed institution. May the Almighty shower His blessings on us all and give us the strength to face all the challenges that come our way.

Principal’s Message


We live today in a world that is so very different from the one we grew up in, the one we were educated in. The world today is changing at such an accelerated rate and we as educators need to pause and reflect on this entire system of Education.

We at SMISK work at implementing a well balanced curriculum to ensure that the children who walk into the portals of our school will not just love their school years but truly be prepared to face life’s challenges. “TO MOTIVATE THE WEAK, TO ADDRESS THE AVERAGE AND CHALLENGE THE FITED” is the teaching vision of our school.

We march our children ahead with SISK ethos of moral values and principles. We endeavour constantly to instill these qualities in our children. We pride ourselves to help them grow and develop into sensitive and responsible citizens of the next generation.

A committed and supportive management, dedicated teachers, caring and co-operative parents blend harmoniously to create a child-centric school. Teamwork is the hallmark of SMISK. I am very sure through collaborative effort we can achieve more to benefit our students who are the future leaders of tomorrow.

The parents are the most strengthening power in moulding the future of children. Their consistent support empowers us to do more and more. I pay my gratitude to them for their faith in us.

I am confident enough that the SMISKs will make themselves stronger day by day, adding a new leaf to the grandeur of the school.